Obuka o rodnoj raznolikosti
Među rezultatima projekta Gender 101 je stvaranje prostora za obuku o rodnoj raznolikosti. Ovaj trening uključuje:
Our aptitude as parents / educators
Preparation for training
In these videos Matthew Bartolo, sexologist and sex and relationship therapist, gives a general introduction to the Gender 101 training. He also creates a space for reflection about our own aptitude towards gender diversity and how we can become more aware of these biases in order to not let them effect our work. During the videos he will give a detailed explanation of how you can use these videos to prepare yourself for the following training by our partners.
Dimensions of gender
Genderbread person
Gender spectrum
Intersex; Conclusions
This training is about understanding the definition of gender. In this masterclass we provide knowledge about the difference between gender and sex, provide an understanding about gender diversity, gender spectrum and we will be introducing ourselves to the Genderbread person.
Process of Coming Out for the Children
The “Discovery” Phase – Before Coming Out
The “Acceptance” Phase – During Coming Out
The “Embracement” Phase – After Coming Out
This masterclass provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the stages involved in the process of coming out, focusing on both the parent and the child’s experiences. Through this exploration, participants develop a mutual respect for the coming out process and recognise its unique nature for everyone.
Support before a child comes out
Support when a child comes out
Support after a child comes out; Conclusion; Further readings and references
This part of the masterclass is aimed at educating and informing parents about support and the importance of parental support during the child’s coming out process, through all of its stages. They should be able to identify effective communication strategies and develop practical skills to provide emotional support.
Language in the GENDER 101 European countries
Language issues in different environments (person – working – social)
Why improper use of gendered language can lead to discomfort
What is gender neutral language?
Inclusive Language Guidance
Case studies
Resources / references
This training is focused on understanding the importance of the language for expressing our thoughts, therefore for mitigating any gender-based conflict. Here we provide learning contents, methods to use language respectfully in the gender contexts, as well as case studies and additional learning materials in the dedicated ‘More about this’ sections.
Mapping reality
Recognition of problems Asking for advice
Suggestions; Conclusions
This part of the training creates an occasion to deal with the real life situations of, especially, gender-diverse people as no one should be left alone with his/her/their strugglings. Here we provide information about differences between stereotype, stigma and discrimination noticing harmful consequences of all these kinds of prejudice. We advise how to overcome being subjective and start respecting a child’s autonomy. This course is strictly based on professional resources and real life stories.
- promišljanje o vlastitoj pristranosti o rodnoj raznolikosti i kako postati svjestan tih pristranosti
- sveobuhvatna sesija o razumijevanju definicije roda
- informacije o edukaciji i informiranju roditelja o važnosti roditeljske podrške tijekom procesa outanja djeteta, kroz sve njegove faze
- razumijevanje važnosti jezika za izražavanje naših misli, stoga za ublažavanje bilo kojeg rodno uvjetovanog sukoba
- stvarne životne situacije rodno raznolikih ljudi, pružajući informacije o razlikama između stereotipa, stigme i diskriminacije primjećujući štetne posljedice svih tih vrsta predrasuda.
General introduction to the trainingOur aptitude as parents / educators
Preparation for training
In these videos Matthew Bartolo, sexologist and sex and relationship therapist, gives a general introduction to the Gender 101 training. He also creates a space for reflection about our own aptitude towards gender diversity and how we can become more aware of these biases in order to not let them effect our work. During the videos he will give a detailed explanation of how you can use these videos to prepare yourself for the following training by our partners.
Dimensions of gender
Genderbread person
Gender spectrum
Intersex; Conclusions
This training is about understanding the definition of gender. In this masterclass we provide knowledge about the difference between gender and sex, provide an understanding about gender diversity, gender spectrum and we will be introducing ourselves to the Genderbread person.
Process of Coming Out for the ParentsProcess of Coming Out for the Children
The “Discovery” Phase – Before Coming Out
The “Acceptance” Phase – During Coming Out
The “Embracement” Phase – After Coming Out
This masterclass provides participants with an in-depth understanding of the stages involved in the process of coming out, focusing on both the parent and the child’s experiences. Through this exploration, participants develop a mutual respect for the coming out process and recognise its unique nature for everyone.
IntroductionSupport before a child comes out
Support when a child comes out
Support after a child comes out; Conclusion; Further readings and references
This part of the masterclass is aimed at educating and informing parents about support and the importance of parental support during the child’s coming out process, through all of its stages. They should be able to identify effective communication strategies and develop practical skills to provide emotional support.
IntroductionLanguage in the GENDER 101 European countries
Language issues in different environments (person – working – social)
Why improper use of gendered language can lead to discomfort
What is gender neutral language?
Inclusive Language Guidance
Case studies
Resources / references
This training is focused on understanding the importance of the language for expressing our thoughts, therefore for mitigating any gender-based conflict. Here we provide learning contents, methods to use language respectfully in the gender contexts, as well as case studies and additional learning materials in the dedicated ‘More about this’ sections.
Stereotypes and stigmaMapping reality
Recognition of problems Asking for advice
Suggestions; Conclusions
This part of the training creates an occasion to deal with the real life situations of, especially, gender-diverse people as no one should be left alone with his/her/their strugglings. Here we provide information about differences between stereotype, stigma and discrimination noticing harmful consequences of all these kinds of prejudice. We advise how to overcome being subjective and start respecting a child’s autonomy. This course is strictly based on professional resources and real life stories.