What’s new

  • Supporting gender-diverse children in the classroom
    Teachers who wish to support students from different gender origins in the classroom must establish an inclusive, polite, and supportive learning environment. Here are some strategies to consider: Learn about gender diversity, including vocabulary and helpful tips for working with children from different backgrounds. Stay up to date on the latest research and instructional strategies […]
  • Signs your child may be questioning their gender identity
    What to look out for to understand if my child is questioning their gender identity?What to pay attention to? What to look out for to understand if my child is questioning their gender identity?What to pay attention to? Paying close attention to detail is necessary to identify the signs and behaviors of your child’s gender […]
  • Supporting the mental health of gender-diverse children
    A number of vital considerations and activities need to be made in order to support a gender-diverse child’s mental health: Establishing a secure and supportive atmosphere is crucial.  Create an environment at home where your child feels free to express their gender identity without fear of repercussions. This includes using their preferred name and pronouns […]
  • Linking discrimination to culture and avoiding it
    How is discrimination related to the culture we live in?How not to fall into the spectre of discrimination in certain situations? Discrimination is deeply rooted in society and can be based on many different characteristics. It manifests itself in everyday lives, in individual perceptions to culture and customs, in social and economic structures, in education […]
  • How should I use pronouns?
    A pronoun is a word that substitutes for a noun. A gender neutral or gender inclusive pronoun is a pronoun which does not associate a gender with the individual who is being discussed. Some languages, such as English, do not have a gender neutral or third gender pronoun available, and this has been criticized, since […]
  • What is gender neutral language?
    Gender-neutral language, also called non-sexist, gender-inclusive, or non-gender-specific language, refers to language that includes words or expressions that cannot be taken to refer to one gender only.This kind of language avoids bias against a particular sex or gender. It has to be highlighted that in English, there is a difference between “grammatical gender”, “gender as […]
  • Is gender identity contagious?
    Well-organised in its approach, rectifying this prevalent misunderstanding commences with a fundamental elucidation of the definition of “contagious” and progresses towards analysing stereotypes. This approach successfully debunks the fallacy while imparting knowledge regarding gender identity and diversity. Incorporating details about the significance of empathy, comprehension, and the distinction between influence and contagion might furnish further […]
  • Discussing these issues with the other children
    This segment establishes a robust groundwork for acquainting young individuals with LGBTQ+ and underscores the significance of diversity and inclusiveness. To improve this segment, contemplate incorporating recommendations regarding activities and language that are suitable for the target age group and which can foster comprehension. Additionally, it may be beneficial to offer guidance on responding to […]
  • Educating other students on gender diversity
    The explained material is thorough and all-encompassing, employing language that should be comprehensible to a broad spectrum of individuals. It effectively dispels fallacies and rectifies prevalent misunderstandings concerning gender diversity. To enhance this segment, it could be advantageous to incorporate additional concrete illustrations or analogies that are readily relatable to children. This would serve to […]
  • Approaching a child for support on gender issues
    It is necessary to support the gender identity and behaviour of your child even if they are gender-diverse or transgender children.  Parents by accepting and showing to love and accept them as they are (regardless of whether it is just a phase), can help them feel more satisfied, happy and ready to face an environment […]
  • How do I handle name and gender changes at school
    In order for children to cope with gender change in school, it is important to educate and sensitize teachers and children in order to accept students as they are, regardless of gender diversity or sexuality. It is also important to create an atmosphere within the school in which children can openly think and talk about […]
  • Is it a phase?
    The fact is that the topic of gender diversity has been talked about more openly in the last few years, and it is certain that it has existed much longer. For some children it is certainly a gender orientation different from sex, while for some children it is still a phase.  Adolescence brings developmental challenges […]
  • Handling a co-parent’s struggle with a gender-diverse child
    Facing a situation where one parent struggles to accept their child’s gender nonconformity can be a complex and emotionally charged experience. Here are some strategies that can help navigate these situations: Open and Empathetic Communication: Active listening and validation: Create a safe space for both parents to express their concerns, fears, and questions without judgment. […]
  • How can you support this exploration
    Embrace curiosity: Think of yourself as a gardener, fostering a safe space for your child’s curiosity to bloom. Encourage them to ask questions, explore different interests, and express themselves authentically without judgment.Plant the seeds of understanding: Just as sunlight nourishes a flower, provide age-appropriate resources like books, documentaries, or conversations about gender diversity. This helps […]
  • Can a child’s gender identity change over time
    Absolutely, a child’s understanding of their gender identity can evolve over time. This is due to the dynamic nature of self-discovery, which is influenced by a complex interplay of factors, including: It’s important to understand that not all children will experience changes in their gender identity. Many children will have a consistent understanding of their […]
  • When do children recognize their gender identity
    The recognition of one’s gender identity is a multifaceted and dynamic process that unfolds across various developmental stages. While research suggests that children as young as 2 years old may begin expressing preferences and inclinations associated with a particular gender (American Academy of Pediatrics, 2019), it’s crucial to remember that this is just the initial […]
  • Difference between gender and sexual orientation
    Gender identity and sexual orientation are different personality characteristics. Gender identity is personal (how you see yourself), it is about how you define yourself in relation to your own gender. While sexual orientation is interpersonal (who you physically, emotionally and/or romantically attracted to). Traditional societal norms often dictate strict rules for how people “should” act, […]
  • Is it a trend?
    Gender diversity is not just a trend, it is not a caprice, it is not a disease, it is not a perversion, and children are not threatened by transgender people. Children learning about transgenderism does not impact their gender identity. Such knowledge does not make cisgender children “become” transgender, any more than learning about different […]
  • What is gender identity?
    For many gender diverse people, the concept of binary gender – having to choose to express yourself as male or female – is constraining. Some people would prefer to have the freedom to change from one gender to another, or not have a gender identity at all. Others just want to be able to openly […]
  • The GENDER 101 digital tools
    The Digital Tools are breakthrough tools that help educational environments handle and understand gender diversity and identity
  • And What about Us?
    “And What about Us? Parents & Educators of Gender Diverse Children” conference aims to deepen the understanding of gender diversity among children
  • Events in Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland,  Italy and Croatia
    The project team is organizing events in all project countries
  • SAVE THE DATE: Diversità di genere?
    Diversità di genere? (per formatori e genitori) – 19 aprile 2024, Napoli (Italia) – 17:00-19:00
  • Using the Guide for Trainers
    The “Guidebook for Trainers: Introduction to Gender Diversity” is an excellent resource for trainers who want to address gender identity, expression, and related challenges effectively
  • GENDER 101 newsletter 3, 3/2024
    Inside this issue: GENDER 101 programme for trainers; Feedback on the GENDER1 101 learning from trainers and parents; Online Interim Meeting and Transnational Project Meeting in Ireland; Using the Guide for Trainers
  • Online Interim Meeting and Transnational Project Meeting in Ireland
    The project partners are closely cooperating to the project implementation,meeting online and in person, to share the timely progression of the next steps of GENDER 101
  • Feedback on the GENDER 101 learning from trainers and parents
    The different activities carried on with 18 trainers and 360 parents in the project countries gave to the project team the opportunity to collect comprehensive feedbacks on the project training
  • Training in Gender diversity
    Amongst the results of the Gender 101 project is the creation of a space for Training in Gender diversity
  • GENDER 101 newsletter 2, 7/2023
    Inside this issue: The words for gender; Transnational project meeting in Poland; The GENDER 101 learning programme for trainers and parents; GENDER 101 train the trainers in the project countries; GENDER 101 Guide for trainers
  • The GENDER 101 learning programme for trainers and parents
    GENDER 101 dedicated learning delivered to 360 parents in the project countries
  • GENDER 101 Guide for trainers
    GENDER 101 supporting materials for trainers and stakeholders created by the project team
  • GENDER 101 train the trainers in the project countries
    GENDER 101 masterclasses for trainers in all project countries
  • Transnational project meeting in Poland
    On 23-24 May 2023 the project team met in person in Łódź (Poland)
  • GENDER 101 newsletter 1, 2/2023
    Inside this issue: Gender?; The project GENDER 101; The mission of GENDER 101; Gender and language; Focus groups with educators and parents in the project countries; GENDER 101 branding; GENDER 101 Kick-off meeting in Lithuania
  • The words for gender
    In the course of the consultation activities conducted in in Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland, Italy and Croatia, the project GENDER 101 identified key words describing gender and obstacles to gender inclusiveness
  • Focus groups with educators and parents in the project countries
    The project team consulted educators and parents in Malta, Lithuania, Poland, Ireland, Italy and Croatia on gender and obstacles to gender inclusiveness
  • Gender and language
    Language and gender are interconnected as language can reflect and reinforce societal gender norms and expectations
  • Gendered language in Malta
    There has been some recent effort to promote gender-inclusive language in Malta that is is still an ongoing process
  • Gendered language in Croatia
    In Croatia, there is no specific standard or guide set to be used as a gendered language
  • Gendered language in Ireland
    The use of gendered language in Irish can be a contentious issue, particularly with regards to the inclusion of non-binary and gender non-conforming individuals
  • Gendered language in Poland
    Polish language is in general binary, with nouns with own gender and verbs having incorporated gender in their forms
  • Gendered language in Lithuania
    Gender identity is still not legally recognised in Lithuania. Therefore, the Lithuanian language does not have separate words for the different aspects of gender
  • Gendered language in Italy
    In the Italian language, a research for suitable expressions to represent people who do not recognize themselves in the gender binary is underway, to the scope of promoting a language that will be more respectful of diversity and inclusive of all genders
  • Gender?
    “Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed.” World Health Organisation, 2023
  • The project team met in Lithuania
    On 24th and 25th January 2023 the GENDER 101 project team met in person in Šiauliai (Lithuania)
  • GENDER 101 branding
    The GENDER 101 project designed its branding strategy, based on logo and visual identity
  • First steps of the project
    Online kick off meeting of the project partners to initiate the GENDER 101 activities