The Maltese language has some gendered elements, such as gendered nouns and adjective.  Maltese has gendered third-person pronouns, with “hu” being used for masculine persons and “hi” for feminine persons. The use of these gendered pronouns reflects the traditional societal expectations and norms around gender in Malta.

However, there has been some recent effort to promote gender-inclusive language in Malta. This includes promoting the use of gender-neutral terms in certain contexts, such as in the media and in official communications.  This is still an ongoing process and the use of gendered pronouns remains the norm in Maltese language.

In Malta, the use of non-binary pronouns is not widely recognized or widely used. Malta does not have legal recognition for non-binary individuals, and the use of non-binary pronouns is not yet common in the Maltese language. However, as awareness of non-binary gender identities continues to grow, it’s possible that the use of non-binary pronouns will become more widely recognized and accepted in Malta in the future. It is worth noting that language is a dynamic and constantly evolving aspect of society, and the use of gendered language can change over time as societal attitudes towards gender and gender identity change.