During the project’s timeframe, the Partners have been promoting the work on the project and discussing and sharing the outputs with various stakeholders, to ensure a wide dissemination and support the legacy of the project. Among these, there are entities which joined the project as Associated partners, having contributed to the implementation of GENDER 101 as consulted experts in the focus groups, as well as co-organizers and/or attendees of train the trainers, masterclasses and dissemination events.

Associated partners


Collegium Balticum – Akademia Nauk Stosowanych Szczeci https://www.cb.szczecin.pl/

For many years, it has proven to be the best university in the region, providing an optimum balance between the necessary theory and practical skills, qualifications and competences during the course of study and offering popular majors as well as postgraduate studies for teachers.

Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Dipartimento Scienze Politiche https://www.scienzepolitiche.unina.it/

UNINA is an international academic centre of great importance, offering its about 90000 students a wide range of study and research opportunities, including in in the field of social sciences. Collaboration efforts on gender equality have been carried out between the Erasmus + projects GENDER 101 and DOEER (Digital and Open Education for equality-based resilience https://www.doeer.eu/; coordinated by the UNINA Department of Political Science).

Università degli Studi della Tuscia https://www.unitus.it/en/departments/disucom/

University of Tuscia ranks first among Italian universities with fewer than 10,000 students with  four out of six of its departments being included in those of excellence.


Šiauliai Education Competence Center https://www.svcentras.lt/

Center having the scope to create conditions for pedagogues and other specialists to learn throughout their life, to meet their cognitive needs, and to improve their acquired qualifications.

Specjalny Ośrodek Szkolno-Wychowawczy im. Kawalerów Orderu Uśmiechu- Szkoła specjalna, Działoszyn http://sosw-dzialoszyn.cba.pl/

The Special School and Educational Centre in Działoszyń has a long tradition of educating students with special educational needs, with support of the experience of qualified staff, including oligophrenopedagogues, therapists of sensory integration, bilateral, biofeedback, Johansen IAS individual auditory stimulation, speech therapists, hippotherapist, tyflopedagogue, physiotherapist.

Istituto Comprensivo Statale Russo-Montale https://www.comprensivorussomontale.edu.it

Istituto Comprensivo Statale Russo-Montale in Naples is a public educational institute that offers a comprehensive education from pre-school to secondary school.


VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras https://www.socin.lt/en

NGO Centre for Social Innovations (VšĮ Socialinių inovacijų centras, lith.) was established in 2008 for the purpose to promote, create, develop and implement innovative social initiatives, and satisfy interests those social groups who have fewer opportunities and as organisation of such profile grow, develop and become regional leader.

Žiedinės ekonomikos studija https://rekvizitai.vz.lt/

Directory of Lithuanian organizations, providing information on entities and service delivering in all categories, including public organizations, education institutes and NGOs.

Zdrowy Kształt Życia Magdalena Kotowicz Kilian Ewelina Mazurkiewicz Spółka Cywilna https://www.zdrowyksztalt.pl/

Zdrowy Kształt S.C is a knowledge-related and health-related organisation whose overriding mission is to implement educational and psychotherapeutic activities related to stress-related disorders, anxiety disorders, depressive disorders as well as personality disorders and addictions. The team also helps people with mental and intellectual disabilities to overcome any barriers they face, promoting a lifestyle medicine and mindfulness.

Croce Rossa Italiana (Italian Red Cross), Portici Unit https://www.facebook.com/crocerossaportici/

The Italian Red Cross Association – as part of the International Red Cross Movement and under the patronage of the President of the Italian Republic, is a voluntary organisation providing social assistance in times of peace and of conflict as well.

Associazione KIRGHISIA http://www.kirghisia.com/

The Kirghisia Association pursues civic solidarity and socially useful purposes through education and training, as well as scientific research of particular social interest.

Opinio Juris Aps http://www.opiniojuris.it/

Opinio Juris aims at social promotion and scientific research of particular social interest, dissemination of information and in-depth study of current political and legal issues.

Associazione C.A.R.A.C.A.S. https://www.facebook.com/PERCORSICARACAS/?locale=it_IT

The Caracas association operates in the sphere of voluntary work and integration, particularly very close to the world of physical and social ‘discomfort’.